Blog changes ahead! (this blog is closed, use instead)

28 11 2007
This blog is being closed! Use instead!

As you might have noticed I am trying to concentrate my blogs based on thoughts expressed here. The main blog address now is (CLICK HERE SUBSCRIBE)

So after some consideration and discussions I am now planning to pretty much have everything on one blog. This means, I have the topics Python, Plone, Second Life, Web 2.0, sometimes german politics, New Marketing, Old vs. New Media and many more on here. Some of the programming topics might even include some low level content (which means source code) but I don’t expect too much of it. It will also be clearly marked as “technical” in the headline. In the end it will incorporate content from the following blogs:

Then I have two languages to cover, german and english. For each post in german I will add at least a little english summary on top as you can already see it. I am not sure it’s necessary the other way round as I would think that most germans understand english.

I am also concentrating most of my podcasting on it. This includes stuff formerly found on,, and My videoblog COM.lounge TV will be unaffected by this but I might cross post some stuff here. My german podcast TopfCast will also move to then (and I still have to switch itunes here).

What does it mean for Second Life related content as written as Tao Takashi?

Tao Takashi will keep on writing which basically means there will still be english posts about Second Life (and probably also some video here and then). It just will be published at My feed for World of SL will just have the english SL articles as it is right now. For my full range of topics you might want to consider subscribing to my complete feed though.

Subscription options

To give you some more flexibility on what you want to read I created some new feeds based on the categories I use:

all my posts (with english summaries if germen)
only german posts
only english posts
only english Second Life posts for World of SL (old Tao Takashi feed)
only english Plone related posts for (old feed)

I am not sure if more are needed. You can also use these feeds to subscribe to my podcasts/videos in iTunes or Miro (or whatever you use) as they will all have enclosures.

So this will be a new phase of blogging and I hope all goes well 🙂

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Call for participation: Web Monday, Aachen Euregio, Dec 3rd 2007

22 11 2007

On December 3rd we will be organizing again a Web Monday here in Aachen. We call it Web Monday Euregio because we would also like people from the surrounding countries (Netherlands and Belgium) to attend and make it more international.

So what is a Web Monday?

Basically it’s a meetup taking place on a monday evening with topics all around web2.0, internet and so on. It consists of a one hour of people arriving and getting to know each other, one hour of 10 minute talks (depends on how many we have) and then open end for networking and getting to know each other. The whole event is free of charge and drinks & snacks will be provided.

Everybody is also invited to give a talk. Last time I gave a talk on the new Second Life Grid Architecture and two guys from introduced their project.

This time we are also having a talk about Second Life as the guys from will be introduce their Analytics package (actually it will take place in their office :-).

So if you are interested in either participating (and you are in the area around Aachen/Aken/Aix la Chapelle) feel free to sign up on the Web Monday Euregio Wiki page. If you want to give a 10 minute talk feel free to add this to the list of talks which you can find on the wiki as well. You will find all further information such as location on that page.

I hope that some people from outside Germany will come as it would be great to connect also over the borders (which indeed are very close here).

[Web Monday wiki page]

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Linden Lab releases more Python libraries as Open Source (technical)

22 11 2007

Eventlet and mulib, two Python libraries have been already released by Linden Lab earlier (during SLCC) and Certified HTTP (CHTTP) is developed in the open already.

So what are these?

  • Eventlet is a networking library written in Python. It achieves high scalability by using non-blocking io while at the same time retaining high programmer usability by using coroutines to make the non-blocking io operations appear blocking at the source code level.
  • mulib is a REST web service framework built on top of eventlet.
  • CHTTP basically wants to implement a more reliable HTTP by ensuring that each message is guaranteed to be delivered exactly once.

Now Linden Lab opensourced further libraries which can be found here. Citing Ryan Williams/Linden Lab from his mail to the SLDev Mailinglist:

  • base.llsd : full-featured llsd parser and serializer for all three wire formats
  • base.lluuid : interface for generating, representing, and parsing UUIDs
  • base.config : global-config-file interface
  • ipc.llsdhttp : HTTP client that automatically encodes/decodes LLSD. Great for web services passing around data.  Works with eventlet beta-1 (not trunk).
  • ipc.saranwrap : wraps a module in a child process that is spoken to via pipes, so as to use eventlet’s socket swizzling around blocking code like MySQLdb.
  • ipc.mysql_pool : pool of saranwrapped database connections
  • ipc.russ : Recursive Url Substitution Syntax.  Build urls through variable expansion.
  • : similar to base.config, uses a config file and russ to build urls
  • ipc.webdav : webdav convenience module, this looks like it should be revamped to use httpc
  • ipc.xml_rpc : an xml-rpc module
  • : named query runner that uses a directory tree of llsd files

Great to see Linden Lab publish all these things (although I have no idea yet if they might be of use to me 😉 ). Documentation is more or less missing on these (and I wish they would have used at least doc strings but this seems to be changing) and of course this is mostly intended to be used with Second Life (while eventlet and mulib as well as CHTTP should have quite nice used also outside this realm). But as they are in the process of creating a standard protocol it’s definitely nice to see them publishing it so we might save some time.

Oh, and all of it is released under an MIT License.

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So who is on Twitter? :-)

18 11 2007

I think it makes sense to ask once in a while again on different channels so I have a chance to follow you 🙂

So who from my audience is on Twitter and I don’t yet know about?

Feel free to share your Twitter URL in the comments so other people can follow you, too. You can also add me, I can
be found at

As Twitter sort of became my main source of information it’s certainly great to check Twitter as well for nice SL events and other news.
(although with the amount if tweets I get it might get more and more difficulty to find the thing you actually search for at that moment).

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What should I do with my blogs?

15 11 2007

This is some sort of brainstorming about what to do about the proliferation of blogs I have these days. But let me explain!

So I have many blogs these days:

  • Tao Takashi about Second Life in english
  • is about Plone and low level coding stuff (but these days also more highlevel social networks stuff in english)
  • is my german blog which I started in order to connect more with the german community
  • is my first video blog for more personal stuff
  • is a more technical oriented Videoblog mainly about Plone and Python but was also supposed to have a wider topic range.
  • is my german podcast (well, 3 episode in 6 months.. but I  hope to be more active there).

Some history

Now why is this? Probably all this came historically. First was where I posted stuff about Plone mainly geared towards the Plone community (which aggregates on This sort of died at some point until I revived it recently. Then I had the Tao Takashi SL blog which I started because I thought SL is a good topic to have a blog about as nearly every minute something new is happening (indeed this is my most active blog since a month ago or so). In the meanwhile I also started to do video stuff which I posted on which is basically a blog but ftpd to my domain (which never worked that well). And once I started to film conferences which were more about Plone I started which is now as the first one went over to Nate for videos from many people out of the Plone community.

And then I noticed that I actually don’t know anybody in the german scene which is why I started (actually revived my old homepage and installed WordPress).

So in fact I am on two planets, the Plone planet and the Second Life Planet which means that people probably expect mostly on-topic posts. That was my reason why I did not mix everything. Add languages to that.

What’s the problem?

So now I have a problem because there is not real starting point when you want to look for me. This also means that I would have to put 10 URLs on my business cards. This is not really great. Thus I created which makes sense but probably is still somewhat annoying and some redirection.

The main problem though is that I noticed that I crosspost a lot these days. This might mean that something is wrong. Additionally I talked to Stephanie Booth who has the same problem with language and she said that one blog converts better than several (which is of course more about marketing but isn’t a blog also self-promotion? I guess you want to have readers otherwise you wouldn’t do it. Especially you want to have conversations). So this is probably true, too.

Actually I’d even need more blogs, because I have roughly 4 topics (Second Life, Plone, Social Networks and the rest) and 2 languages which makes 8 blogs. Add 2 videoblogs and 1 podcast in 2 languages to it and you get an additional 6 blogs. I could even also start to divide between low- and highlevel, which basically means code snippets or Python tips which makes 28 blogs then.

Now it’s obvious that it probably does not make sense to divide all this into blogs.

What’s the solution?

Now this is the question. There 2 main requirements:

  1. People on topic specific blog aggregators might not want me to stay roughly on topic (although I personally don’t mind some broader range on those blogs)
  2. some people might want to stay in one language, esp. not everybody might want to read german if they don’t understand it.

So my thinking is this:

  • Put everything in one blog (which will probably be
  • Create categories “English” and “German” as well as topic based ones like “Second Life” or “Plone”
  • Create two categories “World of SL” and “Planet Plone” and put the feeds of them through FeedBurner on the planets.
  • Create categories “Videoblog” and “Podcast” and post everything on the blog, too

Some blog posts I might even do in both languages although I think that germans theoretically should be able to understand english. They would even be allowed to comment in german 😉

For german posts I might put some summary on top like Stephanie suggested.

One exception is probably COM.lounge TV which might stay it’s own blog as it’s more company branded but I might crosspost interesting videos on the main blog.

So the questions are now:

  • Would people be annoyed by sometimes reading english or german although it’s not their first language or they do not understand it anyway? Will this drive readers away?
  • Would people mind if I sometimes post lowlevel developer blurbs? I guess this wouldn’t happen that often anyway. Those will probably be mostly english.
  • How do I get all my readers over here? Most of the feeds go through Feedburner, so that’s easy but because the SL-Blog is WordPress-hosted not everything goes via Feedburner.
  • Should I copy some posts over (like those from the web2expo or some IMHO “important” posts?)
  • What will iTunes say if I change my videoblogging content/URLs? well, they go through Feedburner, too.
  • How many germans actually would have a problem with english?

Your opinion?

So what’s your opinion? Do you have similar problems? How did you solve this? Would like to hear more 🙂

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Virtual Worlds @ mixxt

14 11 2007

As I am a beta tester for the new social networking platform mixxt (which lets you create your own social network and host it) I of course created a social network about Virtual Worlds. Please feel free to join it by clicking here.

You can find it at

Contents are not really there yet but we have a wiki, an events calendar and a forum. If you have topics which might be suited feel free to add them.

So for now it’s empty, you might decide what comes up on it and what might be discussed.

I am also wondering how big the interest in a discussion is which combines open social networks and virtual worlds as I see them in the future as being one thing.

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Carnival in Germany started today!

11 11 2007

So here is a little video from the last session. It was sort of finished all the time and as carnival started today at 11:11 I took the opportunity to finally finish and upload it:

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The future of Firefox (Web 2.0 Expo Berlin)

9 11 2007

Now up on stage is Tristan Nitot, co-founder of the Mozilla Europe Foundation.

Looking back to 1999-presence: Mozilla is doomed, even JWZ quit. He asked the audience to stand up and then those people sit down who use Firefox mainly and nearly everybody sat down. So he’s now more positive about the future again 🙂

Germany is the second biggest market for Mozilla in the world after the US. Poland and Slovenia are approaching 50% of FF users.

Firefox 3

Although rumours say it, beta 1 is not yet ready.

Engine update

  • Better mem management,
  • Snappier,
  • Better standards support
  • Full page zoom
  • Advanced font rendering
  • native form control (no custom buttons)

UI changes

  • Visual refresh still to come
  • Toolbar rearrange
  • Page info redesign
  • new download manager
  • visual drag&drop

New. The “awsomebar”, formerly Places

  • reinvent bookmarks
  • Merging history, bookmarks, and adding tagging

He then showed a demo of some of the features:

Mozilla 2: problems trying to get solved

  • More performance, smaller footprint (mobile devices), more secure
  • DeCOMtamination (rewriting tools to massively update the codebase)
  • Tamarin JIT compiler JS2 engine

Firefox mobile

  • Plans announced October 9th, 2007
  • Based on Mozilla 2 (e.g. will take some time, and FF3 will *not* run on your mobile)

Ways to get involved

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High Order Bit: Seedcamp (Web 2.0 Expo Berlin)

8 11 2007

Speaking is Reshma Sohoni about how they come up with the entrepeneurs for their project.

Why Seedcamp?

It is all about creating, accelerating the next phase of european entrepeneurs.

The advantages of Europe:

  • EU as 11 of Top 15 broadband markets (actually 10 as switzerland is not in the EU).
  • Online advertisers spend 2x in UK than in the US
  • EU has an amazing young R&D talent
  • Europe has given birth to a lot of technologies: MySQL, Linux, etc.
  • EU has experienced VC companies (Index, ACCEL, atlas ventures etc.)
  • There are some great exits: Skype, kelkoo,, …
  • pipeline of leaders: Joost, Habbo Hotel, netvibes, spreadshirt, …
  • Entrepeneurs are actively investing such as Zennstrom, Samwer etc.

What is Seedcamp?

  • It is not an incubator, it’s a european initiative to catalyze the next generation of entrepeneurs
  • Comination of Seedcamp Week + 3 months immersin + Seedcamp on the road
  • Initial funding to get started and more importantly a strongly supportive mentor community
  • Organization supported by leading VCs, Angel investors, Corporates, etc.
  • The go-to community for entrepreneurs starting up Internet and mobile related businesses.
  • Seedcamp is backed by Euope’s leaders and a few friends (Google, TechCrunch, web2.0 expo, …)

How does it work?

Started a few months ago.

4 phases: Application & Selection, Seed funding, Company development, Seedcamp on the road.

The Future – how we work together

  • We want more hackers and less pure MBAs
  • Help us get the word out locally
  • Help us to create an active community (Forums, Facebook)
  • Get ready for next year’s seedcamp

Blogged with Flock

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A Conversation with Ari Virtanen, Nokia (Web 2.0 Expo)

8 11 2007

Ari Virtanen has two devices in his pockets these says. One cellphone and one internet tablet. Tim asks if this is a laptop replacement. It’s a totally different computing behaviour than with a laptop.

Now we come to the purchase of NAVTEQ and what Nokia might be in the future. Ari says that devices will be part of Nokia’s future. They will not just go into a different direction. But on top of this Nokia put together a good set of internet services. Services and Devices work together and interact.

How is the relationships to carriers as they usually had the services. Is Nokia at odd with the carriers now that they provide freely available internet services? Ari: The services from the carriers are mostly speech based and this area is more or less over and things are shifting. It is not that black and white anymore.

Tim thinks in the mobile market Europe has the most to get into Web2.0. Tim then gets back to NAVTEQ and wants to hear more about it. Ari: Nokia has a pretty good situation in the devices but not so good in the services. To extend this such deals are needed. It’s about adding a context and content to existing services. Think of photos etc. and mashups.

Tim: Is this a missed opportunity by NAVTEQ because they did not provide user generated content. Will Nokia add this? Ari: Nokia users make up a good chunk of people who create user generated content (think cams). So he sees a lot happening there in the future.

Tim: Why do you wanna own that asset? Ari: NAVTEQ is staying very independent inside NOKIA. By having this asset what NAVTEQ provides, there is a lot of potential for NOKIA to combine this with other information such as location contexts. For Ari this defines Web 3.0. Web 3.0 then adds context.

Tim: Usually you see hacker activities first before it gets more mainstream. Ari: Social Networks are one of the fastest growing trends at the moment. Nokia can add location and being able to stay connected all the time and interact with your community (Tim interrupts here..).

Tim: In the classes of uses there are already lots of players (photos, music. …). Are you e.g. competing with flickr or picasa? Ari: NOKIA will cooperate not try to replace them.

Tim: Think about iTunes, there is a strategy with the PC as the central piece and lots around it. Will it be the same for Nokia? Ari: NOKIA wants to make it as easy to use all those services with your handset.

Tim: Now what about the Adressbook, why do we only see the last 10 calls not every call as this is my social network? Ari: This is one of the potential services NOKIA can think of. This kind of presence information can then again combined with your context. The starting point is a trusting ground, a trusted platform which NOKIA has. You need to build on top of that.

Tim: When will NOKIA join the open handset alliance? Ari: We always did open architectures and open standards (he sort of avoids an answer here). Tim: Is there another “open”? 🙂

Tim: Do you see the phone getting into new form factors? Ari: Certainly, see the internet devices and also laptops will change. It’s more a business model change though than a technology change when it goes to the more open internet model (e.g. VoiP). NOKIA will soon have WIMAX on some devices. But this might add a subscription model and they don’t want this on the internet devices.

Tim: Do users really care about subscription? You pay “hidden subscription” somewhere. Ari: You have it absolutely right. It’s hard to predict how much your phone usage costs (problem of carrier business plans). Users might want to buy devices and subscriptions separately so competition is driven

Tim: So what about Google and the GooglePhone rumours? Ari: Google is very much serving the vision Nokia has but slightly different. All in all this is good for the industry as it drives these things. The more companies are supporting these architectures, the better. No answer to whether he thinks Google will succeed.

Tim: Is NOKIA moving further and further away from devices? Ari: We do both directions, devices and services. Just launched no device strategy.

Tim: How much revenue do bring services to NOKIA? Ari: Depends on the services. So far the services are mostly in test status. Business model on navigation and mapping might be buying city guides or download fees for maps.

Tim: Why hasn’t loaction based stuff happened that much from triangulation? Ari: GPS will be NOKIAs strategy. Not all devices will have GPS though due to the wide range of devices. But high end devices will mostly have it.

Tim: How fast is the high-end becoming the low-end in mobile (see PCs)? When is the smartphone the norm? Ari: The markets are slightly different. cannot put the finger on an actual number of months or years.

Tim: Do the used phone market change that at all? see ebay. Ari: Not a major part of the market because most people want to have a new device as it’s a status device.

Audience: Can you give us a NOKIA POV on sustainability, like chargers, packaging, etc. Ari: Good question. NOKIA is thinking about this very seriously. Very soon we will try to standardize these plugs for chargers etc. another q: Why was the plug changed recently? Ari: The new plug is smaller and it’s much better for the device design. They wanted to do it rather sooner than later. Goal is to have a new standard charger for all phones.

Question about Media serving. Ari: We have different types of serving media. The most common is one-to-many. But there is another one-to-one serving type.

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